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Architecture + Building design

Smiling Woman

Expert:  Kathy Ford


For 22-years Kathy has been an architect based in Manhattan and collaborates with other world-renowned industry professional to explore the cutting-edge of modern and traditional architecture in order to move forward with the best ideas for a more healthy planet and citizens.

Video: ARCH101

Modern Concrete Architecture

Introduction to Architecture 

Students will be exposed to an introduction to architecture through a comprehensive study of the great designs over the past 300 years right up to today's modern high-tech structures. Students will be introduced to and able to identify unique designers, time period and style of work.

Coming Soon

Video: ARCH102


Principles of Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and 3D Modeling 


Students will explore the creation and use of Virtual Reality, 3D and Augmented Reality in architecture design. Students will be shown how architects

 develop virtual 3D renderings and place them in an augmented or virtual environment for their clients and work teams.

Coming Soon

Video: ARCH103

Modern Building

Future of Architecture

Students will be exposed to an introduction to architecture through a comprehensive study of the great designs over the past 300 years right up to today's modern high-tech structures. Students will be introduced to and able to identify unique designers, time period and style of work.

Coming Soon
London City
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Connecting Education + Industry


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