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Artificial intelligence

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Expert:  Steve Hunter

Steve Hunter is the Artificial Intelligence Specialist and Business Advisor (Americas) for the Artificial Intelligence Center of Excellence (AI CoE) at the Swiss financial services firm UBS. Since joining the firm in 2001, Steve has worked around the world (Stamford CT, New York City, London, Zurich, Singapore) developing and supporting advanced statistical models for traded products, building intelligent tools for analytics creation, and using Machine Learning and Natural Language Generation to resolve and document issues in model governance. His group is currently leading the adoption of responsible AI technologies within the firm, as well as, providing internal innovation advisory services and proof of concept for vanguard technologies. Steve holds a BA from Virginia Tech (Communication Studies and Russian Language) and several technical certificates. He has been a volunteer with American Corporate Partners (ACP) since 2014 where he assists personnel leaving the US military, with experience or training in data science or technology, finding roles in the private or public sectors. 

Course: AI101


Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Students will learn about Artificial Intelligence and its applications in everyday use.

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Course: AI102

Computer Robot

AI Commercial and Business Applications

Students will learn how AI is being deployed across business, commerce and media sectors.

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Course: AI103

Computer Programming

Artificial Intelligence Language

The basics in Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning. Students will gain experience in applying simple AI, NLP and ML algorithms to engaging open-ended problems and simulations.

Coming Soon

Digital Media

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Connecting Education + Industry


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